Category Archives: General

FL Retailers And Premises Liability
Residents and visitors alike flock to the range of retail experiences offered in Miami. While bustling shopping destinations can be fun, sometimes they are also areas where injuries are sustained, particularly when retailers and shopping center owners do not maintain their spaces. While it is up to Miami shoppers to be mindful of their… Read More »

Car Accidents With Extended Settlement Timelines
Phones ringing with creditors is not what people want. And it can be even more frustrating when the creditors are connected to injuries you sustained a car accident because another was negligent. The cost of medical care and car repairs can be more than a family can handle, and sometimes car accident settlements take… Read More »

Adrenaline Surges and Miami Car Injuries
Being involved in a car crash in Miami or anywhere else can be traumatic. Because of this, it is common for people to experience an adrenaline surge. An adrenaline rush results in an increase in your blood flow and your heart beating faster. This can help you cope with the stress of the event,… Read More »

Auto Accidents and Disk Injury Compensation
It is unfortunately common for individuals who have been involved in Florida car accidents to experience neck pain and back injuries as a result of the collision. While some of these injuries are strains and sprains, others are disk injuries. For some, disk injuries can heal in a few weeks with rest and care,… Read More »

Can I Afford Legal Representation?
If you were involved in a Florida car crash, it is possible you are not sure how to move forward as your medical bills pile up and you are unable to earn an income due to your accident injury. The combination of lost wages and high hospital expenses lead many families to believe they… Read More »

Miami Car Accidents and PTSD
When you are involved in or witness a life-threatening event, it is possible you will experience emotional distress, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or another mental health issue. While cuts and burns are visible physical injuries that clearly need to be treated by medical professionals right away, emotional injuries can appear over time and be… Read More »

How to Avoid Drivers with Road Rage
Road rage, a term used to describe driver behavior that is angry, aggressive, and threatening, can be extremely dangerous. This risky way of driving is common and can lead to collisions, assaults, and extreme physical injuries. In fact, when an insurance comparison company surveyed a pool of American drivers, 82% of them reported experiencing… Read More »

Gift from my talented client, Cuban certified master cigar roller, Angel Martinez.
Gift from my talented client, Cuban certified master cigar roller, Angel Martinez. He has his own factory and makes a great cigar. If anyone wants his contact information he is available to custom produce cigars with a private label and will even appear at parties and private events and roll for you and your… Read More »

How to Obtain and Use Police Reports After an Accident
When you are involved in a car or truck accident to which law enforcement responds, the attending officer or officers should generate a police report. Though you may not be thinking clearly directly after the incident, you should, if possible, remember to request a copy of the report. If you fail to do so—which,… Read More »

Are Liability Waivers Enforceable in Florida?
Companies and organizations use liability waivers all the time. A gym might use a liability waiver to release itself of liability should a member be harmed by a piece of equipment. A little league organization might use a waiver to protect itself from assuming financial responsibility should a participant sustain an injury during play…. Read More »