Category Archives: Prescription Injury

Dangerous Drug and Injury Victims
When a person is given a prescription, they trust that the medication will help them. But there are times when dangerous drugs, either prescription or sold over the counter, lead to serious health issues. You have a legal right to compensation if you were injured because of a dangerous drug. Sometimes, pharmaceutical companies make… Read More »

Do You Have A Prescription Drug Liability Case?
According to U.S. News & World Report, more than 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug, while more than 50 percent take two or more, a two-decade high. Though prescription drugs are prescribed to help people, they often end up doing more harm than good. While many of those instances are… Read More »

When Medications Do More Harm Than Good
Nearly seven in 10 Americans rely on prescription drug medications each year to relieve pain or some other chronic condition. More than half of those 70 percent rely on at least two medications to feel better, and 20 percent take five or more medications at any given time. Unfortunately, we live in an era… Read More »