There are 3 Categories of Distracted Driving

Accidents happen every day for a variety of reasons, in the state of Florida and across the U.S. A. Many people think of car accidents the way they are portrayed on television or movies, events that happen because of dramatic car chase or an immense change in road conditions. Actually, most crashes happen because of small shifts, such as a driver taking their eyes momentarily off the road. It is estimated that a quarter of car crashes are because, at least in part, a driver was not paying attention.
After a Florida car collision involving a driver who was distracted, it is important to understand your compensation options. If you required medical care because of the crash, it is possible you are facing high medical expenses. You do not have to be destroyed financially by an accident that was not your fault. Discuss your damage recovery options with a Miami car accident lawyer today.
Cognitive, Manual, and Visual Distractions
When people think of distractions, they may only consider one or two possibilities. There are actually many, many types of distractions. They are typically categorized into three main groups.
- Cognitive distractions – If you are lost in your own thoughts, because of a recent personal conflict or stress at work, you may not be able to focus on the tasks of safely driving.
- Manual distractions – When your hands are away from the controls, because you are changing the radio station or programming the car clock, there is an increased chance of an accident.
- Visual distractions – Accidents can happen in a split second, if your eyes are looking for something in your bag or examining a map, it is impossible to navigate safely.
Most realize or have been informed by others that cell phone use while driving is risky. Which makes sense as cell phones can cause manual distraction when texting, visual distraction when looking through pictures, and cognitive distraction if you are lost in a conversation.
If You Notice a Risky Habit, Make Adjustments
It is extremely rare for a driver to not have any bad habits, nobody is perfect. Simply noticing behaviors can make a difference. For instance, if you are in the habit of putting on lipstick at the stoplight after you leave the house, make the shift to doing that before you leave the house. Or if you tend to reprogram the radio when driving, make a decision to keep your hands off the radio controls until you are parked in a safe location.
Accidents happen because drivers are manually, cognitively, and visually distracted. Recovery is possible. Discuss the details of your car accident with a Miami car accident lawyer to understand what is possible for your situation.
Are you struggling to manage your medical fees following a Miami car crash? Talk to the Miami personal injury attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law. Accident cases can be complex, a knowledgeable attorney is needed to navigate the complicated negotiations with insurance companies and legal professionals. Contact us today at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free consultation.