Hazards of Driving In Bright Sun

When the sun is shining, many quickly assume it is safe driving weather. But sun glare can be extremely dangerous for drivers. When the sun is shining into a driver’s eyes, it can lead to glare which makes it harder to see the road and any potential risks. A driver can be temporarily unable to see and accidents can occur.
If a traffic accident occurs because a driver was temporarily blinded by sun glare, that does not mean the driver is free of liability. Talk to a Miami car accident lawyer about the circumstances of your accident to learn about liability in your situation.
How to Reduce the Dangers of Sun Glare
There are things you can do to help to avoid sun glare. Driving safely means seeing clearly. In part because being temporarily blinded by sun glare is avoidable, it is not recognized by the law as a reason to lose control of a vehicle.
Steps to staying safe:
- Choose polarized sunglasses. Sunglasses that are completely polarized could help to reduce glare.
- Use sun visors. The standard sun visors that come with your car can be helpful. If there are gaps, buying additional sun visors that do not impede sight lines can also be beneficial.
- Move objects from the dashboard. If there are things on your dashboard that are made of glass, plastic, or anything else that can bounce light, they may reflect more sun into the vehicle.
- Give other vehicles space. It is always best to give the car in front of you space, but this is especially true if you are having vision difficulties.
- Take another route. If you find the sun is in your eyes repeatedly, such as on the way to work or the way home, try changing your driving routine to possibly avoid the angle of the sun that is creating the sun glare. Also, shifting the time on the route can help to avoid sun glare.
Of course, if the sun glare happens and you can not see it is important to pull over and stop your vehicle, no matter what avoidance measures you have in place.
Blaming the Sun for an Accident
If a car driver blames the sun for an accident, they are liable. While it may be true they were unable to assess the situation properly because the sun was in their eyes, that is not an excuse for causing a traffic accident. A Miami car accident lawyer can determine what your damages are, combining all of the financial damages to a vehicle and any personal injury medical bills, to determine what is possible as far as compensation.
Were you injured in an accident that was caused by sun glare? If so, you need to talk to a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer to discuss your options. There may be compensation available for doctor bills, vehicle repairs, and lost wages. Our attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law will fight for fair compensation. Contact us today at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free consultation.