Why Expert Witnesses are Important in Miami Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases are more complex than pointing the finger at the person or company that caused the injury. These types of cases require a lot of strategies and evidence in order to prevail. Outside of proving liability – showing that the person violated their obligation and that their failure to adhere their obligation was a result of the injury – one must establish the degree of the injury in order to gain the full amount of compensation.
Someone may say, “Aren’t medical records the only form of evidence needed?” We say no, without a doubt. In addition to medical records, the primary source that will help build and solidify the personal injury case is the expert witness.
Types of Expert Witnesses for Personal Injury Claims
Many expert witnesses are available. These professionals are called upon to provide more insight on the accident or injury to help strengthen their client’s case or weaken the opposing party’s case. Some types of expert witnesses include:
- Architectural, building or construction experts. When a person suffers injuries in the construction industry, a building or construction expert will investigate the construction accident. They will be able to provide testimony on safety, training, work zones and they may even prepare reports on analysis and related construction issues.
- Medical experts. Medical professionals such as nurses, physicians, surgeons, dentists and other practitioners offer medical expert services. These types of experts will testify on a certain medical area. They will review medical records and provide testimony as to the level of injuries, the cause of the injury and what the outcome of the injury brings for the future. If you’re involved in a medical malpractice case, a medical expert is in order.
- Mental health expert. Psychologists and behavioral counselors are important for personal injury claims involving injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) or for claims for emotional pain and suffering. Mental health experts can testify on the impact that the injury has and how it may affect the future.
- Manufacturing expert. These types of experts are consulted in product liability cases where the product caused the injury. A manufacturing expert may have had an engineering background, warehouse or even intellectual property. These types of experts provide knowledge or whether a design flaw or manufacturer error was the culprit of the injury.
It is important to choose expert witnesses carefully. Review the expert’s background, publications, and case history to see whether the expert is beneficial for your case because an expert witness can be the determining factor in whether your case is successful.
Contact a Miami Personal Injury Attorney to Help Locate the Best Expert Witness for Your Case.
Personal injury cases should not be handled alone. Contact a reputable Miami personal injury attorney to help present your case in the best light and locate the best expert witness to strengthen your case to get the maximum compensation you deserve. Call Spencer Morgan Law as soon as possible at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free consultation. There’s no fees or costs if we don’t recover for you.