What Is An Elmiron Lawsuit?

A prescription medication, Elmiron can be prescribed for pain connected to an individual’s bladder. Specifically a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis. Because evidence has come to light about the dangers of Elmiron, there are risks of vision issues and irreversible eye harm, lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturer of Elmiron. The drug is manufactured and distributed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals.
Taking action is a step to protecting yourself and shielding others from future harm. If you live in South Florida and believe your vision problems, or the eye health issues of someone you care about, are a direct result of prescription drug use, talk to a Miami Elmiron lawyer. Dangerous drug lawyers know how to pursue damage recovery with the support of evidence provided by the US Food and Drug Administration and experts within the medical community.
Loss of Sight and Filing Lawsuits
While interstitial cystitis is often misdiagnosed as a urinary tract infection, it is not, in fact, an infection. It is a medical condition as a result of an irritated or inflamed bladder wall. It can be incredibly painful and difficult to treat. Emiron was approved as a treatment for interstitial cystitis in 1996.
While lawsuits due to Elmiron patients began to be filed in 2020, cases continue to move forward. If you are having vision issues and are taking Elmiron, be sure to have your symptoms addressed by a medical professional. Then, talk to an attorney.
Symptoms reported by Elmiron patients:
- Loss of vision
- Vision dimming in part or all of the eye
- Having a hard time with near vision
- Vision distortions, such as wavy lines that should visually be read as straight lines
- Eye pain issues
- Night vision problems and halos
When you work with an attorney, you may be able to secure compensation for medical fees connected to eye damage, recovery for earning capacity loss, pain, suffering, and more.
Length of Use
One of the first things you will discuss with your Miami Elmiron lawyer is how long you were taking the drug. While each case is unique, typically anyone who is having vision issues and has been ingesting Elmiron for 24 months or longer is able to secure compensation. Of course, you should have your vision checked and issues addressed by a licensed ophthalmologist. Prompt care means your eyesight harm can be treated and a medical record will provide the evidence you need if you are pursuing a claim against the producers of Elmiron. Once an attorney reviews your documentation, they can share with you the worth of your claim and next steps to securing that amount.
Do you want to speak to an attorney about Elmiron eye harm? An attorney who has experience with product liability and dangerous drug cases will know how to move toward securing the compensation package you have a right to receive. Whether it is a matter of taking on a large company or a major insurance carrier, a skilled lawyer can guide you through the process. To learn about your options, connect with the legal team at Spencer Morgan Law. For a no-cost, confidential assessment, call 305-423-3800.