Refrain From Sharing Information To Protect Your Case

Someone else’s negligence can result in accident injuries, and when they do personal injury claims often follow. If you are going to seek compensation for accident losses, it’s crucial to recognize that being cautious with your actions and words will help to strengthen your case. For example, a common mistake that can jeopardize a claim is an injured party sharing too much information, either through social media or through casual conversations.
Talking to a skilled Miami personal injury attorney is a path to connecting with a maximum settlement. Following the advice of legal professionals, such as refraining from posting on social media and following all medical treatment guidelines, is a way to protect your injury case.
Pitfalls of Social Media While Pursuing Recovery
Even if you believe that what you are posting about your accident won’t cause problems later, it is possible you do not realize you are sharing information that can be used against you during a personal injury claim negotiation. For instance, an insurance company representative or defense attorneys could dive into social media profiles looking for inconsistencies.
In some situations, inconsistencies are found because an injured party posts comments that suggest they are not suffering from alleged injuries. In other cases social media photos lead to issues because the images inadvertently illustrate the timeline of when an accident occurred or when medical care was accessed is not consistent with dates outlined in a claim. There are many different ways social media content can undermine an injured party’s credibility, so it is often best to stay off of social media until your claim is settled.
Casual Conversations Can Also Backfire
In addition to social media use, conversations with friends, family, coworkers, or even strangers can have an impact on your personal injury claim. This can happen if you inadvertently say something that could be interpreted as an admission of guilt. Or if you share your story with multiple people, it is possible the details each person absorbed will not match up. So it is essential to choose your words carefully, or simply tell friends and family you will discuss the details at a later date, then you can avoid the possibility of statements being misconstrued or used against you.
It is normal to be overwhelmed after an accident and not be sure who to talk to or what to say. Thankfully, experts are available to guide you through the process. Speak with an experienced Miami personal injury attorney about all of your concerns. A seasoned attorney can provide you with guidance on who to talk to and what to say in order to protect your claim, and they can communicate with insurance companies on your behalf.
Were you injured in an accident and now want to talk to friends about it? Before you pick up your phone, consider how sharing too much information, whether on social media or through conversations, can harm your case. To learn more, consult the legal team Spencer Morgan Law. Call 305-423-3800 to schedule your fee-free consultation.