Personal Injury Calculators Aren’t Always Right

If you were injured in a Miami car accident, you may be exploring the possibility of a settlement. And individuals who are curious about what amount could be in reach often opt to use an online personal injury calculator, a tool used to estimate the financial value of a personal injury claim. These calculators can provide a general estimate of damages through totaling medical bills, lost wages, and other losses.
But it is important to realize that calculators aren’t always accurate as they do not have access to all of the details and circumstances that could influence the worth of your claim. Inaccurate results could lead to you accepting an amount that is lower than what you have a right to obtain. Talk to a Miami personal injury lawyer about your case to get a complete understanding of the value of your claim and what level of recovery would be full and fair.
Reasons for Calculator Inaccuracies
While the personal injury calculators can provide a general idea of what settlement amounts could be expected in some situations, the reality is each situation needs to be fully assessed by someone who can accurately review the details of your case and is well-versed in Florida personal injury law.
Calculators provide inaccurate totals, for a range of reasons, including the following:
- Information is simply too general. While there are key general numbers that go into calculating the worth of a claim, there are also small details that can shift the numbers. Details that aren’t captured by general calculators.
- Assumptions and inaccuracies. To provide a baseline number, calculators often work on averages. This can provide you with an inaccurate calculation as the average may be far lower than what the facts of your claim could access.
- Information is missing. There may be data you are initially unaware of or the calculator has no entry field for. For insurance, when you meet with an attorney, you may learn that punitive damages are a possibility leading to a much higher settlement amount.
You could miss out on the level of compensation you need if you simply agree to the amount provided by an online calculator. Instead, talk to a knowledgeable lawyer so all expenses will be covered, including future appointments and emotional distress.
Have a Miami Lawyer Calculate the Value of Your Claim
When seeking monetary recovery after a Florida car accident, have a Miami personal injury lawyer review your expenses. Skilled attorneys know that no cases are the same and that each one needs to be fully reviewed so a fair settlement can be reached.
What settlement amount total did you receive when you used an online personal injury calculator? Do not assume you know the full value of your claim, speak with an experienced attorney who has a long history of successful outcomes and is dedicated to connecting you with the compensation you deserve. To learn more, reach out to the legal team at Spencer Morgan Law. No-cost, confidential assessments are available, call 305-423-3800.