Outrageous And Extreme Conduct And Your Claim

After an accident, injury, or other traumatic event, you may want to sue for damages connected to the mental anguish you experienced or are psychological issues you are coping with on an ongoing basis. Determining if the conduct of the reckless party was outrageous and extreme could be part of your case.
When going to court in Florida, know that not all behavior that causes injury is considered extreme or outrageous. If you need an experienced attorney to assess the details of your situation, connect with a Miami injury lawyer. They will be able to tell you if suing for psychological harm is possible and let you know what the best strategy is for your given situation. A skilled attorney knows how to secure maximum damage recovery amounts.
Measuring a Party or Person’s Behavior or Conduct
In order for a Florida court to determine if conduct was extreme and outrageous, a variety of factors will be explored. The court will need to determine if the emotional distress a person experienced was the result of negligent or intentional behavior. A plaintiff needs to have evidence a defendant engaged in the following:
- Behaviors that were outrageous and extreme.
- Conduct and actions of the defendant were intentional or careless.
- Extreme emotional strain and psychological issues were the result.
Suing for compensation for psychological distress is not simple. There are many complexities to consider and manage, particularly if there is no physical harm. Of course, there are times when damage recovery is necessary for both physical injuries and emotional distress. If you are interested in pursuing recovery for emotional pain, connect with an attorney to strengthen your claim or case.
Intolerable or Brazen Conduct
For conduct to be deemed extreme and outrageous, it needs to be clear it is behavior that is not tolerated in society, indecent, or flagrant. Proving that emotional pain and distress is the result of intentional infliction can be demanding and difficult. A qualified Miami injury lawyer who has worked on similar cases is able to identify paths to compensation.
If you or someone you care for has been hurt because another was negligent, reckless, or participated in outrageous and extreme conduct, the party can be held responsible for the damage they caused. Healing is possible when a person is able to access the care they need. Sometimes care is expensive, but financial compensation could provide the financial support needed in order for a person to heal from harm. Support is available and an accomplished attorney with experience in both navigating insurance claims and lawsuits can help.
Do you believe you have a right to a large recovery amount due to the psychological distress you’ve experienced due to another’s behavior? An experienced attorney can help. Talk to the Miami personal injury attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law and have a lawyer negotiate with an insurance company for you. We have experience proving negligence, negotiating with insurance companies, and taking cases to trial. Contact us today at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free consultation.