Misjudging Speed And Other Left Turn Risks

Intersection accidents are common, and many of these events are prompted by drivers who are performing a left turn. There can be serious harm when you make a turn and are not able to see clearly or misjudge the speed of one or more approaching vehicles. Because the majority of Florida roads have two traffic lanes, there are many intersections where drivers need to be observant and careful when turning left. But even with caution, accidents can occur.
Were you or someone you love injured when a driver made an illegal turn? Financial compensation may be possible. When you meet with a skilled Miami car accident lawyer, they will carefully listen to your story and assess any documentation you already have. Then, the claim value can be determined and additional evidence can be secured, if needed.
Failure to Signal, Blind Turns, Ignoring Traffic Signs, and More
When speed is misjudged, a driver could move into an intersection assuming the other vehicles will not reach the intersection before they complete the turn but be struck if one of the other vehicles was moving much faster than they realized. There are risks beyond misjudging speed as well, including the following:
- Failure to signal. If you do not use your turn signals, other drivers may not be ready for you to turn or make driving decisions based on thinking you are moving forward without a turn.
- Blind turns and obstructed views. When drivers can’t fully see to the left and right, they may not be aware of risks or the dangers of approaching traffic.
- Abiding by traffic lights and signs. Too often, drivers feel comfortable on familiar streets and begin to ignore signs or only follow lights when they feel it is necessary.
Sometimes accidents are because of a combination of factors. If the weather is bad and a driver ignores the traffic signal while another driver makes a blind turn, the results can be disastrous and liability can be confusing. An experienced Miami car accident lawyer knows how to sift through documents, police reports, photos, and witness statements to find out the truth about who was the at-fault driver.
The Turning Driver is Not Always the One Negligent
There is often an assumption, when an accident occurs in an intersection and involves a left turning driver, that the turn was at least in part to blame. But that is not always the case. For instance, if the left turning vehicle had a green arrow, they could have been the one following the rules while another was breaking them.
Did you sustain an injury due to a Miami driver who made a reckless left turn? A knowledgeable Florida personal injury lawyer can help. With free consultations, our lawyers can determine if you have a right to damage recovery. We will cover your case from the beginning stages to securing final damage awards. Our attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law will fight for fair compensation. Contact us today at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free assessment.