Minor Injuries And Miami Car Accident Claims

There are many different types of accidents and individuals involved in collisions can sustain varying levels of injuries. When multiple cars are involved it is even possible for some people to be severely injured while others walk away from the event with minor injuries.
Even if you believe the injury you sustained in a Florida car accident was minor, it is best to have a medical professional give you their opinion. There are times when a car accident claim settlement is possible, even when injuries are minor. After seeing a doctor, connect with a Miami injury lawyer to have your circumstances assessed. Once your lawyer values your claim they could send a demand letter to the other party’s insurance company.
Understanding Root Causes of Car Accident Injuries
Because injuries that appear small at first can grow over time, having your health documented each step of the way can be helpful. If you feel unwell weeks after an accident, it may be difficult to connect it to the crash event. But if you are diagnosed in the hours or days after an accident, the initial harm can be connected with later health issues, ones that can have high medical expenses. It is also possible lost wages are possible when you need to take time off work to receive the proper treatment for your injuries.
Discussions with a personal injury attorney can begin early. A Miami lawyer will be able to tell you if you have a strong claim. Then, if your legal team sees a valid path to compensation, they can move forward. Even minor injuries mean you have insurance copays to pay and deductibles for medicine. An insurance company could pay you for these damages.
Connect with an Experienced Legal Team
When you talk to a Miami injury lawyer, you can learn about your options for a full and fair settlement, whether your accident injuries were minor or severe. The process can be choppy or smooth, not all insurance negotiations are the same. A lawyer can go into negotiations knowing what your claim should receive and how to strengthen the possibility of making that claim value a reality.
Some insurance claims adjusters are kind and helpful, but ultimately they work for an insurance company that needs to worry about their bottom line. It is in the best interests of the company to not settle every claim with a maximum settlement. Legal teams are familiar with Florida personal injury laws, individuals may not be up-to-date with changes in laws and how to best move forward with a claim. Your attorney can fight for you, and they have the legal knowledge to do it.
Are you seeking an experienced Miami lawyer to take your need for compensation for a minor injury seriously? An experienced attorney can help. Talk to the Miami personal injury attorneys at Spencer Morgan Law. We have experience proving negligence, negotiating with insurance companies, and taking cases to trial. Contact us today at 305-423-3800 to schedule your free consultation.